Saturday, October 11, 2014

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0 Torrent

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Torrent Size: 52 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: 2168090f6a8b33619eb99816a1a30a576441921e

Seeds: 104Peers: 75

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Windows 8 Transformation Pack will change your system based on XP, Vista or Windows 7 to look like Windows 8 and some of its features emulated. You do have to purchase Windows 8 or any 3rd party applications to get Windows 8 UI experiences. This transformation pack will simply make it done for you for free! This will update the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 7 with Windows 8 GUI by adding some themes and change the file system. Transformation Pack gives your system a fresh and cold from Microsofts operating system: Windows 8 pack changes most of the system icons, skins and toolbars and also adds new enhancements to your desktop.

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